Yvette, Parent of a gifted child with dysgraphia
My son has dysgraphia which affects his ability to write things out by hand. He also struggles with sensory issues, which means he can easily get distracted.
After fully unpacking dysgraphia and seeing what my options were, I knew I wanted him to learn typing because I didn’t want to see his creativity and ideas being hindered in any way.
He tested as gifted, but because of his writing issues, he also has a learning difficulty and we needed alternative ways for him to get his thoughts out on paper. Plus, we homeschool and our curriculum requires a child to develop competencies in multiple areas.
So, I searched online and came across Touch-type Read and Spell. TTRS makes learning engaging and fun. More importantly, he’s able to use it independently and can have it dictate the typing out to him. This is crucial as he really struggles with copying text.
What’s nice too is that as a homeschooling parent, it also gives me a chance to catch my breath, and my non-dysgraphia child can use it as well.
While my son still dictates in writing, I’ve definitely seen a difference in his confidence levels since beginning the program. He used to have a really hard time with spelling and getting the phonics bit right in words.
In TTRS he’s having to type a word over and over again, and seeing and hearing it as he goes. This means he’s actually learning how to spell the word too, which is making it much easier for him to write in all other areas of his academics.
I like to do my research ahead of time and I can say I absolutely love the program and am so happy we found it!